If you’ve found this page searching for a reputable recycling company that buys catalytic converters for top dollar, then you’re in luck! Crow Metals are Romford-based scrap metal merchants known not just for honest and transparent pay-outs, but a fantastic standard of customer service. Serving Walthamstow and its surrounds, we buy any quantity of catalytic converters, in whatever condition you have them. We use cutting edge equipment and up-to-date logs that tell us exactly how much your cats are worth.
But every now and again, we hear about people looking to deal with catalytic converters on a DIY basis. On this page, for those in and around Walthamstow considering this approach, we’ve jotted down a few thoughts on why it’s nearly always a bad idea…
The first reason it’s worth using the professionals is how complicated the internal mechanisms at play in catalytic converters really are. There are various housings and passageways, inside of which are tiny pellets which react with the noxious gasses passing through. The first challenge is safely extracting these pellets without damaging them. The specialist tools and expertise we’ve built up over the years recycling catalytic converters for Walthamstow motorists are a huge help here.
The next challenge is figuring out exactly what you’ve got. If you were to misevaluate the type of precious metal, or fail to come up with a 100% accurate reading (catalytic converters each contain very small quantities so require specialist scales), then you may end up getting a terrible deal from unscrupulous scrap yards who want to rip you off. Part of the service we provide to Walthamstow clients is an advanced grading and weighing system, ensuring you get every penny owed.
Another problem for the would-be DIY’er is that the aforementioned pellets need to be processed so they are not in a pure or useable state. This processing requires equipment simply not available to laymen; at least not without great expense and specialist housing. To make things simple, we encourage Walthamstow residents to sell their catalytic converters to Crow Metals – Romford’s favoured local scrap metal merchants.